This is a scratch project that (very slowly) draws the Mandelbrot set. Why you ask? This is not the question. The question is "To be or not to be?" and the answer to that is always TONKA. Here at casual coding we do things differently. We do not ask "Why?" - we ask "Why not?". As there was no suitable answer to the latter on in this specific case, I went ahead and did it. If you have any complaints you may direct your complaint towards any of the following people and you will be taken care of. Your feedback is important to us. Just use the specified code word and our personnel will know what to do.
Person | Code Word |
Mik Müller | "I hate Tonka" |
Jonas Wanke | "Apple is the best company/operating system" |
Clemens Tiedt | "Gnu HURD is designed poorly" |
Marcel Garus | "Operator precedence is useful to have in a programming language" |
Benjamin Frost | "Have you tried rewriting your codebase in Flutter and Rust?" |
Konstantin Ebeling | "Skill Issue" |
If you are one of the specified personnel above, you may change your code word by speaking with the owner of this website.
By clicking on the green flag with the shift button pressed will enable Turbo Mode. You might want that, because without it the cat is so slow, it might as well invoke 7 compilation steps to calculate each pixel. Use the feature at your own discretion.
by styrix560